Wallops Island Launch Facility - A Look at Early NASA Missions

$14.97     Qty:

SKU: A249

Wallops Island Launch Facility (1965) is a fascinating look at the early days of NASA on Wallops island off the Eastern Short of Virginia. It gives a rare glimpse at the construction of small rockets and experimental payloads that were launched from this facility. It also examines the information gathered from these early launches. This is a must have film for any early NASA historian.

Product Details

Wallops Island Launch Facility (1965) is a fascinating look at the early days of NASA on Wallops island off the Eastern Short of Virginia. It gives a rare glimpse at the construction of small rockets and experimental payloads that were launched from this facility. It also examines the information gathered from these early launches. This is a must have film for any early NASA historian.

This DVD has a runtime of approximately 29 minutes.

Here are some sample images from the DVD