Vintage Food Canning Film Collection DVD

$14.97     Qty:

SKU: A653

One of the greatest advances in the food industry in the 20th century was the automated canning process that delivered food to consumers safely and with a greatly extended shelf life.

Product Details

One of the greatest advances in the food industry in the 20th
century was the automated canning process that delivered
food to consumers safely and with a greatly extended shelf life.

This DVD is a collection of three films exploring the canning industry in the mid 20th century.

This film has a run time of approximately 1 hour 34 minutes.

Here are the films contained in the DVD:

Alaska's Silver Millions (1936) - This film, directed by Beverly Jones, explores the life of the Alaskan salmon and the salmon industry - including how the canneries are operated to bring canned salmon to market.

Golden Harvest... Fifty Years of Calpak Progress (1950s) - This film explores the history of Calpak, a California canning company. It is an excellent look of the evolution of canning over a fifty year period.

Miracle of the Can (1956) - An exploration of cans and canning in the United States with particular emphasis on the ability of canning to support mass production and large scale agriculture.

Here are some sample images from the DVD