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If you need the latest viewer for one of our products, continue reading...

The Latest Viewers for Our Products

Many of our products require viewers to access the content.

For our map products, the images are in MrSid format and JPEG 2000 format.

For our book on disk products, the books are in PDF format and DJVU format.

Access the latest viewers for each format below.

MrSid/JPEG 2000 Viewers for maps:

RECOMMENDED MAP VIEWER SOLUTION --> A free software package called irfanview is an excellent graphical image viewer and handles both MrSid and JPEG 2000 files. Please note that you must download and install both the main software and the plugins package. Download irfanview and the plugins package here.


MrSid/JPEG 2000 Online Converters for maps:

These online solutions allow you to upload one of your map files and easily convert it into another format.

To convert .sid files to other formats, use this resource https://www.aconvert.com/format/sid/
To convert .jp2 (Jpeg 2000) files to other formats, use this resource https://www.aconvert.com/format/jp2/


DJVU Viewers:

Our DJVU products work on both Windows and Macintosh platforms.

My preferred DJVU viewer: To get the latest stand alone DJVU viewer, click here. This link points you to the Windows version of the standalone viewer. The menu on the right side of the page has a link to a Macintosh version.

Want to convert your DJVU files to PDF files? There is a neat, free online converter y ou can use. It is a bit slow but does a great job. Find it at https://djvu2pdf.com/


Our PDF products work on both Windows and Macintosh platforms.

Chances are that you have the latest version of Acrobat reader on your computer but just in case you don't you can access it by clicking here.