1940s and 1950s Teen Health, Hygiene and Cleanliness Film Library DVD

$24.97     Qty:

SKU: A113-A115

This DVD collection contains 28 mostly 40s and 50's films created to teach that era's youth the value of good health and hygiene habits along with many examples demonstrating proper cleanliness techniques. This is an excellent timeless collection on the importance of developing good health habits that last a lifetime and is as relevant today as when these films were made.

Product Details

This DVD collection contains 28 mostly 40s and 50's films created to teach that era's youth the value of good health and hygiene habits along with many examples demonstrating proper cleanliness techniques. This is an excellent timeless collection on the importance of developing good health habits that last a lifetime and is as relevant today as when these films were made.

Here are all the films that make up this historical collection:

Eat for Health (1954)

Ralph learns the importance of a balanced diet and the five food groups. It shows Ralph finding that he has more energy and more fun because his health is better from eating a good balanced diet.

Producer: Encyclopaedia Britannica Films
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 10:23


How to Be Well Groomed (1949)

Learn proper grooming techniques from Don and Sue. They educate you on the importance of health posture and cleanliness both of themselves and their clothes.

Producer: Coronet Instructional Films
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 10:06


Color it Clean (1966)

This film explores the importance of keeping public restrooms clean and portrays the stories of the many men who proudly do this duty to be sure the restrooms are clean and disease free.

Producer: University of Illinois, Motion Picture Service
Audio/Visual: Sound, Color
Run time: 19:18


Care of the Hair and Nails (1951)

A fairy godmother teaches young children how to keep their hair and fingernails clean as part of a regimen for good health.

Producer: Encyclopaedia Britannica Films
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 9:43


Combat Fatigue: Insomnia (1945)

Dick York is a naval recruit who has insomnia. The film explores ways to solve the problem.

Producer: Wilding Picture Productions
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 19:11


Exercise and Health (1949)

This film is an exploration of the importance of exercise in health and popularity - because a strong healthy person can better participate in activities that will help him or her become popular.

Producer: Coronet Instructional Films
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 9:50


General Health Habits (1928)

Learn personal hygiene and good health habits as it is understood in the 1920s.

Producer: Unknown
Audio/Visual: Silent, Black & White (tinted)
Run time: 13:57


Health: Your Posture (1953)

Learn why good posture is very important to health and how to be sure your posture is correct.

Producer: Centron Corporation
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 10:20


Joan Avoids a Cold (1947)

This film discusses ways children can avoid spreading germs to one another when one of them is sick.

Producer: Coronet Instructional Films
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 10:24


Sniffles and Sneezes (1955)

This film shows how when children are sick, they can very easily and carelessly spread their sickness to others.

Producer: Audio Productions, Inc.
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 9:43


About Faces (1941)

This film compares and contrasts the effects of good dental hygiene vs bad dental hygiene. It is designed to promote good dental health.

Producer: Sound Masters
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 10:21


Care of the Skin (1949)

How skin works to keep you healthy and the proper way to clean yourself when you get dirty.

Producer: Encyclopaedia Britannica Films
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 10:19


It's All in Knowing How (1954)

A teenager discovers that eating a more varied diet - including lots of milk products - makes his life and his bowling game better.

Producer: Chicago Film Studios of Chicago Film Laboratory
Audio/Visual: Sound, Color
Run time: 12:23


Rest and Health (1949)

Dick York is a high school track star who is under peforming due to his lack of a good night's sleep.

Producer: Coronet Instructional Films
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 10:02


Sleep for Health (1950)

This film explores the sleep patterns of children and shows how children can train themselves to be sure they have a good night's sleep. It compares and contrasts the effects of good sleep vs bad sleep.

Producer: Encyclopaedia Britannica Films
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 10:44


Tuberculosis (Third Edition) (1955)

The film explains what tuberculosis is, how it spreads and methods of diagnosing it and treating it.

Producer: Encyclopaedia Britannica Films
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 10:05


Attitudes and Health (1949)

The film shows how a person's attitude can affect health. It shows example of how a bad attitude to a negative situation can cause sickness whereas an upbeat attitude to a bad event can actually promote better health.

Producer: Coronet Instructional Films
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 9:55


City Water Supply (1941)

This film explores New York City's water supply - how it is important to the life of the city and the steps that they take to be sure it stays clean and healthy for its citizens.

Producer: ERPI Classroom Films
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 10:24


Goodbye, Mrs. Ant (1959)

This film discusses the life and habits of ants and how they can be controlled and exterminated with the application of appropriate insecticides.

Producer: University of Georgia, Agricultural Extension Service
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 13:20


Getting Ready Physically (1951)

This educational film educates on the importance of physical fitness to becoming a soldier and encourages high school students to pursue healthy physical training activities available in their community to prepare themselves for service in the military.

Producer: Coronet Instructional Films
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 10:26


Personal Hygiene (ca. 1950)

Military instructional film showing how a soldiers makes take steps to convince him to stop being sloppy because it is bad for him and what is bad for him is bad for everyone in his group. The film is used to educate soldiers on the importance of cleanliness in the barracks as part of a fit, well oiled military machine.

Producer: U.S. Army
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 31:36


Preventing the Spread of Disease (1940)

This film explores how basic hygiene habits and systems to provide safe drinking water, proper sewage disposal, etc. works to keep everyone safe and healthy. It also demonstrates steps individuals can take to ensure they are healthy - staying away from sick people, getting vaccinations, good nutrition, exercise and rest.

Producer: National Motion Picture Company
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 10:48


Body Care and Grooming (1948)

This film shows that good grooming habits can be learned and should be practiced daily. The best way is to develop a routine that touches on all aspects of grooming - the skin, hair, teeth and nails.

Producer: Audio Productions
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 17:03


For Health and Happiness (1941)

A film portraying active children in various activities and an example of what good nutrition and proper care can do to make healthy, happy and well adjusted children.

Producer: Cornell University
Audio/Visual: Sound, Color
Run time: 9:23


Meats With Approval (1946)

This film explains how the USDA inspects meat to be sure it is safe for the consumer. It follows all the steps from a live animal, through processing at the slaughterhouse and packaging and delivery to the consumer.

Producer: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Information, Motion Picture Service
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 15:35


On the Firing Line (ca. 1936)

This film shows the steps being taken to fight tuberculosis. It includes a variety of statistics on how tuberculosis affects people in different demographic groups and footage of treatment centers and mobile health clinics.

Producer: Courier Productions, Inc.
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 19:13


Trichinosis (1942)

This film shows how trichinosis infestations happen and the devastating effect of this parasite.

Producer: University of Iowa
Audio/Visual: Silent C
Run time: 19:04


You Are the Switchman (ca. 1951)

This is a film about cancer. We learn how cancer can be discovered at home and how it should be checked - actually how any abnormality should be checked for cancer. It also discusses various treatment ways and shows that early detection is generally the best way to be sure of getting a successful cure. It also discusses survival rates for various types of cancer.

Producer: Unknown
Audio/Visual: Sound, Black & White
Run time: 11:09