Vintage Tobacco Films on DVD

$14.97     Qty:

SKU: A333

Dangers of Cigarettes and Cigarette Smoking, Nicotine, Cigarette Commercials, Smoking Related Cancer, Tobacco Industry Advertising and More

Product Details

Dangers of Cigarettes and Cigarette Smoking, Nicotine,
Cigarette Commercials, Smoking Related Cancer,
Tobacco Industry Advertising and More

This DVD explores smoking in the mid 20th century through a variety of films discussing the health risks of smoking counterbalanced by a variety of commercials promoting smoking to the tv viewing audience.

The total run time for this collection is 1 hour 42 minutes.

The films in this collection include:

  • A collection of 12 cigarette commercials for Lucky Strike, Montclair and Newport brand cigarettes.;
  • Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco (1950) - This is a nine minute musical short illustrating how Lucky Strike chooses and processes tobacco for fine cigarettes. The short features Frank Sinatra, Kay Kaiser and many other famous talents of the day.;
  • Up In Smoke (1960) - An examination of how tobacco company executives put profit over peoples health. It shows the steps taken to develop brand loyalty and lifetime customers.;
  • Tobacco and the Human Body (1954) - This is an early exploration of the effects of tobacco on the human body. It demonstrates through a variety of lab experiments the exact effects of tobacco products.; Time Pulls the Trigger - A strong anti-smoking film spelling out the dangerous effects of smoking on the human body in stark detail.;
  • You Are the Switchman (ca. 1951) - An educational film discussing the warning signs of cancer. It demonstrates the link between smoking and cancer and shows the symptoms that are the early warning signs for health problems and cancer.;
  • The Sixth Sense (1949) - A film detailing the processes that are followed to guarantee the quality of tobacco products.

Here are some sample clips from the DVD