Philip Marlowe Old Time Radio MP3 Collection on DVD

$14.97     Qty:

SKU: A421

This collection of Philip Marlowe Greats includes 96 different shows and appearances for a total of 46+ hours of listening enjoyment.

Product Details

Philip Marlowe is a fictional character created by Raymond Chandler in a series of novels including The Big Sleep and The Long Goodbye. Marlowe first appeared in The Big Sleep, published in 1939. Marlowe appeared in none of Chandler's early short stories, though many of his early stories were republished years later with the names of the protagonists changed to Philip Marlowe; this change was presumably made with Chandler's approval.

Philip Marlowe's character is foremost within the genre of hardboiled crime fiction that originated in the 1920s, most notably in Black Mask magazine, in which Dashiell Hammett's The Continental Op and Sam Spade first appeared.

Underneath the wisecracking, hard drinking, tough private eye, Marlowe is quietly contemplative and philosophical. He enjoys chess and poetry. While he is not afraid to risk physical harm, he does not dish out violence merely to settle scores. Morally upright, he is not bamboozled by the genre's usual femmes fatales, like Carmen Sternwood in The Big Sleep. As Chandler wrote about his detective ideal in general, "I think he might seduce a duchess, and I am quite sure he would not spoil a virgin."

Philip Marlowe shows based on the books were broadcast in a variety of venues throughout the years. Some of the Marlowe radio anthology includes:

  • Lux Radio Theatre, Murder My Sweet, adapted from the 1944 film, CBS Radio, 11 June 1945 (Dick Powell as Marlowe)
  • The New Adventures Of Philip Marlowe, NBC Radio series, 17 June 1947 to 9 September 1947 (Van Heflin as Marlowe)
  • Hollywood Star Time, Murder My Sweet, adapted from the 1944 film, CBS Radio, 8 June 1948 (Dick Powell as Marlowe)
  • The Adventures Of Philip Marlowe, CBS Radio series, 26 September 1948 to 15 September 1951 (Gerald Mohr as Marlowe)

This collection of Philip Marlowe Greats includes 96 different shows and appearances for a total of 46+ hours of listening enjoyment.

This product is a DVD collection of Old Time Radio mp3s. It is designed to be played on your computer DVD drive with standard mp3 software - like Windows media player or its equivalent on Macintosh computers. The mp3 files on the DVDs can be copied onto CDs for play in your car stereo, home entertainment center, etc so you can take your favorite shows with you anywhere you go.