News of the Day 1961-1962 DVD

$14.97     Qty:

SKU: A603

Universal Newsreels Including Shah of Iran, Moscow Aviation Display, Chiang Kai Shek Parade, Eichman Holocaust Trial, Civil Defense Test, Early Space Race, Kennedy, Jackie Kennedy, Cuban Missile Crisis and More

Product Details

Universal Newsreels Including Shah of Iran, Moscow
Aviation Display, Chiang Kai Shek Parade, Eichman
Holocaust Trial, Civil Defense Test, Early Space Race,
Kennedy, Jackie Kennedy, Cuban Missile Crisis and More

Before the TV was commonplace, people saw the news at their local movie theaters. Newsreels were shown before feature films and at dedicated newsreel movie theaters in larger cities.These vintage Universal Newsreel collections are a way to glimpse special events of the past.

A note on quality: Newsreels were not preserved with the same care as much other old film footage. Although most of the footage is of very good quality, this collection may have portions that are silent or have degraded audio or video.

This collection includes the years of 1961 and 1962 and has a run time of 1 hour 42 minutes on 1 DVD.

Some of the news items covered in this collection include: Shah of Iran visits DeGaulle in France; Aviation display in Moscow, helicopter carries model of Gagrin spacecraft, new swept-wing bomber, jet fighter with rocket booster; Chiang Kai shek parade with rockets and soldiers; Eichmann trial for Holocaust crimes; judges speak indictments as Eichmann listens; Civil Defense test closed airports for 12 hours; Enos chimp prepared for space flight, rocket blastoff, capsule recovered, chimp examined in hospital; Cosmonaut. Russian Orbits Globe17 Times; Russian H-bomb test announced by Khrushchev speech at 20th party congress; NATO maneuvers and war games in West Germany; Jackie Kennedy rides elephant in India; Adlai Stevenson at UN speaks on Cuban Missile Crisis; Castro builds up defenses in Cuba; Popovich and Nikolai follow two previous manned flights to become third and fourth Russians to orbit; and much more

Here are some sample clips from the DVD