Seventh Army: Checkmate to Aggression Documentary DVD

$14.97     Qty:

SKU: A849

The Big Picture documentary Seventh Army: Checkmate to Aggression explores the operations and personnel who work at the 7th Army in Germany and shows the challenges they deal with on an every day basis. You will see the operation of border patrols along the defensive line of Western Europe, the 7th Army command center, skydiving teams and much more. This is a fascinating look at how the Army operates during times of peace in potentially explosive regions of the world.

Product Details

The Big Picture documentary Seventh Army: Checkmate to Aggression explores the operations and personnel who work at the 7th Army in Germany and shows the challenges they deal with on an every day basis. You will see the operation of border patrols along the defensive line of Western Europe, the 7th Army command center, skydiving teams and much more. This is a fascinating look at how the Army operates during times of peace in potentially explosive regions of the world.

The total run time of this DVD is 28 minutes. Below are some scenes from this film: