Classic Physics Film Collection on DVD

$14.97     Qty:

SKU: A317

Early Physics Films Explaining Atomic Energy, Measurements, Mechanics of Automobile Design, X-rays, Light Radiation, Electromagnetism and More

Product Details

Early Physics Films Explaining Atomic Energy, Measurements, Mechanics of Automobile Design, X-rays, Light Radiation, Electromagnetism and More

This collection of seven vintage physics films displays how the application of physics and and science in general has been shaping our world for decades. There are seven films in this collection with a total run time of 1 hour 25 minutes.

Here are the films in this collection:

1) A is for Atom (1953) - This animated classic takes you on a tour of the atom and how its energy can be harnessed for the peacetime application of atomic energy.

2) Around the Corner (1937) - This film explains how the automobile differential works to help a vehicle safely turn corners without skidding or losing control.

3) Precisely So (1937) - An exploration of the tools and techniques used to measure microscopically small quantities of materials.

4) Science in Action: The Flow of Heat (ca. 1956) - This Science in Action episode explores heat's properties and how it flows through materials.

5) Taking the "X" out of X-Rays (ca. 1940s) - An exploration of everything related to X-Rays and radiation and how it is being used to benefit mankind.

6) White Magic (1940) - An examination of the physics and science of light and how that knowledge is used every day in practical applications.

7) Electromagnetism - This silent 1920s film explores electromagnetism. It explores how an electromagnet works, how they are used and the key role they play in generating electricity and electrical transmission from hydroelectric sources.

Here are some sample clips from the DVD